dinner 3

The Role of Design in tackling complex social issues

Dinner 3:Friday 2nd October



Design thinking can be described as a problem solving mindset that engages empathetically with the end user.

Design thinking is about solving problems by engaging with the end user(s). It is about asking good questions and testing theories. In this, our third dinner, we ask how this approach can be used to find solutions to complex social issues affecting us today.

What role can design play in addressing very real issues such as climate change, migration, an increasingly aging populations, chronic disease, wealth disparities, and pressures on public sector finances?

How does Design Thinking other working processes – researchers, government bodies and so on?

Can design thinking affect real change?

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For our third dinner we created oversized Lazy Susan’s – rotating serving platters – to serve the food on.  These were designed to encourage interaction between guests at the most basic level – helping yourself to food!





You can listen to an edited audio of the discussion here